TITLE - Californian Senator Darryl Steinberg (28 Oct 2008) – hosted by
California Center for Environmental Law and Public Policy
Talk described the passage of the Senate Bill 375 for transport and
land use planning. The bill aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
from transportation by reducing vehicles miles travelled. Address
urban sprawl and control development in ways to minimize commuting
distances and vehicle km by better aligning the location of housing
and workplaces. Passage of the bill occurred when municipalities,
developers, environmentalists and state government we able to reach a
consensus – “everyone gave up a little and gave a lot”.
By 2011, all major transport funds for capex projects will need to be
approved under SB 375.
In the past there have been major coordinated planning obstacles in
California as vested interests and different levels of government have
squabbled over control and fought for their slice of the development
pie, even if this increased environmental impact.
The main enabling event that allowed the planning bill to pass was the
earlier passage of the greenhouse gas reduction bill AB32. California
is now legally bound to meet very aggressive carbon reduction targets
by 2020. This was a major intervening event that gained support for
aligning interests.
Senator Steinberg is very interested in green job creation, but we do
not seem to be entirely clear about what this means yet. He is
generally supportive of high speed rail, and sees this as a catalyst
for new industry and jobs, while environmentally favorable. He sees
the environmental targets in AB 32 also related to the agenda of
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